Thursday 14 February 2008

Oakley Woods Saved

Oakley Woods has been saved from development by Warwickshire District Council. The woodland alongside the Crematorium was up for sale. It was possible it would have become a private woodland and use its hunting and shooting rights.

After a campaign by locals and support by local councillors the Council have bought the site for £320,000. They plan to develop the wood as a sustainable public amenity. The ancient woodland includes an Iron Age fort and it is hoped the wood many of the mature native trees that were replaced with conifers after the war will be returned over the next 20 years.

Saturday 2 February 2008

Pigeons and Kingfishers

Whilst out walking this morning around Priory Park I was treated not only to a fleeting glimpse of a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Redwing and the usual Woodland birds but a particular fat pigeon and a very at ease Kingfisher.

The kingfisher was fishing on St Johns Brook and allowed me to get quiet close and take the best photos I have managed to despite many hours sat beside the river at the Saxon Mill.

A tasty treat for a Peregrine

The Peregines continues to frequent St Mary's Tower and as they do more evidence of their feeding habits. Excellent photos have been taken by Steve Valentine this morning of the pair -

In previous years birders have told me of the various wader and pigeon carcasses found around the roost site, this year further grisly sights have been recorded and reported in the Courier.

Whilst out this morning I found evidence of perhaps last nights meal - the severed head of a Green Woodpecker.