Tuesday 21 October 2008

Saxon Mill Carr

Well its been quite awhile since I last posted a blog and to be honest I m not sure if anyone reads it. Nevertheless I will persist. I hope to now be able to blog my work on my new nature reserve.

Ever since I was a child I wanted own and manage my own land. Trouble is its so expensive. For the last 5 years I have been trying to get the land where I do most of my wildlife watching designated as a Local Nature Reserve. I spent hours preparing reports and writing to local conservation authorities all to no avail.

Then one day I had whilst surfing the web I found the details of an allotment in Old Milverton it stated that it was owned by Mr Heber-Percy, the landowner. Finally I had access. I wrote to the treasurer and requested Mr Heber-Percys address and wrote to him.

With in weeks I had a very encouraging reply and I sent him all my plans and proposals. We met this summer on site and he agreed to let me manage a section of innudation meadow and wet woodland. Over joyed I set to work lining up insurance and arranging for a fence to be erected on the fence. Once up the site would be secure at the far end and I could start the real conservation work. Sadly the site is not able to be open to the public although I do have permission to take on small parties, something I will do in the summer.

Last week the fence went up and so now I feel ready to start the improvements and I shall chart my successes and failures in this blog.